Warszawska Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Ścisłych i BioMedycznych



Inauguration of the Academic Year 2024/2025

It is our pleasure to invite our PhD Students to the Inauguration of the Academic Year 2024/2025 of the Warsaw PhD School in Natural and BioMedical Sciences (Warsaw-4-PhD).

The opening lecture at the ceremony will be given by Nobel Laureate in Chemistry – Prof. Aaron Ciechanover.

The inauguration has been scheduled for 7th October 2024 (Monday) at 10:00 a.m. and will take place in the auditorium of the Maciej Nałęcz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBIB PAN) at 4 Ks. Trojden Street in Warsaw.

Being aware of your numerous commitments, we would already like to ask you to reserve some time in your calendar and we will provide you with a detailed agenda later.

We will be very pleased if you have the possibility to take part in this important event for the Warsaw-4-PhD School.