1-month (30 days) research visits (RVs) to foreign laboratories
We are opening a new call for applications for iWARSAW4PhD project within STER programme by POLISH NATIONAL AGENCY FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE. The main objective of the Program is support for the internationalisation of doctoral schools. One of the opportunities we will offer are 1-month (30 days) research visits (RVs) to foreign laboratories.
We invite all students of the Warsaw-4-PhD school who, during their PhD studies, have authored an article published or accepted for publication in a JCR-indexed scientific journal to apply for 1-month (30 days) research visit. The Project will cover the costs of stay and travel, see the detailed rules attached.
1-month (30 days) research visit should take place within 6 month from the announcement of call results.
Required Documents:
– an application using the attached template – download, pdf file
– CV
– letters of invitation issued by the foreign parties.
Detailed information on the required documents and application rules can be found in the attached Rules – download
Application period:
Signed applications, together with candidates’ CVs and the letters of invitation issued by the foreign parties, should arrive at the secretariats of the relevant Warsaw-4-PhD institutes before the deadline: March 7, 2023.
Results Announcements:
Results will be announced on April 1, 2023.
Contact details, including e-mail addresses of the relevant Institutes can be found here.