Warsaw PhD School in Natural and BioMedical Sciences



SPOTLIGHT TALK – 21/05/2024

The Warsaw Doctoral School in Natural and Biomedical Sciences and the Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS cordially invites you to a SPOTLIGHT TALK.

The talk is given by Dr. Andriy Palasyuk (Critical Materials Institute, Ames Laboratory, USA).

When and where?

21st May 2024, 11:00 am
at the IHPP PAS New Technologies Building, Al. Prymasa Tysiąclecia 98, seminar room, 2nd floor
Duration: 60 min + more


A gap in the market exists between super strong neodymium magnets and less sensitive ferrite magnets. This gap means that compromises are made in engineering items like car sensors or wind turbine rotors. The Critical Materials Institute is working on a cerium-based magnet that will hit the sweet spot between powerful rare earth magnets and the much weaker ferrites. The magnet is process effective and less susceptible to supply chain disruptions. Its unique intra-granular coercivity mechanism does not require complicated microstructure developments and opens potential for advanced manufacturing.