Warsaw PhD School in Natural and BioMedical Sciences



SPOTLIGHT TALK – 18/04/2024

The Warsaw Doctoral School in Natural and Biomedical Sciences and the Institute of Physics PAS cordially invites you to a SPOTLIGHT TALK.

The talk is given by dr. Karel Výborný (FZU – Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences Czech Rep., Praha, Czech Republic).

When and where?

On Thursday, 18th April 2024, 14:00 at the IP PAS Auditorium
Duration: 45 min + question time


The Warsaw Doctoral School in Natural and Biomedical Sciences and the Institute of Physics PAS cordially invites you to three ADVANCED LECTURE SERIES – OXIDE MATERIALS FOR OPTOELCTRONICS talks.

Talks are given by prof. dr hab. Leonid Dubrovinsky (University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany).

When and where?

Talks are divided into three lectures on April 15th, 16th and 17th 2024, each preceded by short introductory talks, at the IP PAS Leonard Sosnovski Auditorium.

Duration of each lecture: 45 min

SPOTLIGHT TALK – 09-11/04/2024

The Warsaw Doctoral School in Natural and Biomedical Sciences and the Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology cordially invite you to a SPOTLIGHT TALK.

The talk is presented by William James Becker, PhD (National Institute of Health, National Cancer Institute, Vaccine Branch).

When and where?

9th, 10th and 11th April 2024, 12:00 pm
at the Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology, ul. W.K. Roentgena 5, seminar room im. Prof. Jana Steffena, 4nd floor

Introduction to Flow Cytometry – on 9th April 2024, 12:00

Working Safely with Lab Animals – on 10th April 2024, 12:00

Second-generation checkpoint inhibitors and a cancer vaccine synergizes in preclinical models of cancer – on 11th April 2024, 12:00

SPOTLIGHT TALK – 05/04/2024

Warsaw Doctoral School in Natural and Biomedical Sciences and the Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS cordially invites you to a SPOTLIGHT TALK.

The talk is given by Prof. Markus Winterer (Nanoparticle Process Technology, Faculty of Engineering University of Duisburg-Essen, Lotharstr. 1, 47057 Duisburg, Germany).

5th April 2024, 12:30 pm
at the IHPP PAS New Technologies Building, Al. Prymasa Tysiąclecia 98 Duration: 60 min + more


Heterogenous catalysis is probably the application of nanoscaled materials with the highest economic impact and instrumental in the solution of the energy and climate challenge. Oxides, especially complex oxides, are interesting functional materials for heterogenous catalysis. The property ‘catalytic activity’ is depending on certain particle characteristics (structural features such as primary particle size, fractal dimension, morphology, type and degree of agglomeration) which are directly measurable without additional processing steps. 

In this presentation we will show how chemical vapor synthesis (CVS) can be used to generate nanocrystalline oxide particles including complex oxides and how we can control and determine the particle characteristics relevant for heterogenous catalysis [1]. Photocatalytic water splitting using TiO2 and Ga2O3 [2] and thermal oxidation of organic molecules by spinels and perovskites [3, 4] are used as examples. 

SPOTLIGHT TALK – 03/04/2024

The Warsaw Doctoral School in Natural and Biomedical Sciences and the Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS cordially invites you to a SPOTLIGHT TALK.

The talk is given by Prof. Markus Winterer (Nanoparticle Process Technology, Faculty of Engineering University of Duisburg-Essen, Lotharstr. 1, 47057 Duisburg, Germany).

When and where?

3rd April 2024, 12:30 pm
at the IHPP PAS New Technologies Building, Al. Prymasa Tysiąclecia 98 Duration: 60 min + more


Although experiments investigating the atomistic structure of disordered materials are facile today through modern instruments for (X-ray) scattering (XS) and spectroscopy (EXAFS) it is still a challenge to extract the relevant information especially in case of very small nanoparticles. In our contribution we will introduce X-ray scattering and X-ray absorption spectroscopy as tools to investigate local and crystal structure of materials and present recent advances in data analysis of this inverse problem using Reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) analysis.

RMC simulations enable the analysis of XS data as well as EXAFS spectra data via partial pair distribution (pPDF) functions obtained from a physical, structural model. In case of nanoparticles and scattering data this approach suffers from the termination of the pPDF’s due to the finite size of the particles. This produces artifacts in the computed scattering intensity due to the long-range probing distance of scattering which are eliminated by using the Debye scattering equation (DSE) for computing the scattering intensity from a particle model. Computational efficiency is provided by binning the distance distribution of atom pairs in the DSE. Simultaneous refinement of XS data and EXAFS spectra of small nanoparticles are thus enabled using a mutual structural model. This method allows the self-consistent extraction of complementary information on local structure contained in EXAFS and long-range order in XS data. We describe this novel method using XS and EXAFS data of nanocrystalline LaFeO3 and SnO2 are presented.


Warsaw Doctoral School in Natural and Biomedical Sciences and the Institute of Physics PAS cordially invites you to a SPOTLIGHT TALK

 “Computation of Deformable Interfaces in Two-Phase Flows”

given by Professor Gustavo Rabello dos Anjos, COPPE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


on February 21, 2024 at 10:30, at the IF PAN Auditorium, 45 min + question time


Invitation available here.


The accurate representation of deformable interfaces in two-phase flows poses significant challenges in computational fluid dynamics (CFD). This presentation delves into the computational methodology for simulating such phenomena using the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) description coupled with the Finite Element Method (FEM). ALE provides a framework for tracking moving boundaries, while FEM offers a robust numerical technique for solving the governing equations over these evolving domains. We discuss the theoretical underpinnings of ALE and FEM and their integration to model the dynamic behavior of deformable interfaces. The presentation explores the numerical algorithms involved in handling interface motion and surface tension effects. Additionally, practical considerations such as mesh generation, time integration schemes, and convergence strategies are addressed. Case studies highlighting the application of ALE-FEM in various engineering scenarios involving
multiphase flows with complex geometries will be presented to demonstrate the efficacy and versatility of the proposed computational framework. The insights gained from this research have profound implications in industry.

About the speaker:
Prof. Gustavo Rabello dos Anjos received his degree in mechanical engineering from Rio de Janeiro’s State University (UERJ), in 2007 he obtained a master’s degree in metallurgical and materials engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPE/UFRJ). In 2012 he received a PhD from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland, with funding
from the Swiss National Science Foundation at the renowned Heat and Mass Transfer Laboratory (LTCM), led by Prof. John R. Thome.
He has developed research in the area of two-phase flow modeling with heat and mass transfer. He was nominated for best doctoral thesis awards in mechanical engineering and best doctoral thesis at EPFL in 2012. In 2012-2013 he was postdoctoral fellow of the Department of Nuclear Engineering (NSE) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors (CASL). In 2013 he returned to Brazil through CAPES – Sciences without Frontiers and the Young Talent Attraction Scholarship. He is currently a professor at COPPE/UFRJ in the Mechanical Engineering Department.
He was director of the Brazilian Association of Engineering and Mechanical Sciences (ABCM) from 2017 to 2021. His area of interest encompasses laminar and turbulent multiphase flows, heat and mass transfer and computational fluid dynamics.


The event is supported by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, grant no. BPI/STE/2021/1/00034/U/00001, as part of the STER programme.

1-month (30 days) research visits (RVs) to foreign laboratories

We are opening a new call for applications for iWARSAW4PhD project within STER programme by POLISH NATIONAL AGENCY FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE. The main objective of the Program is support for the internationalisation of doctoral schools. One of the opportunities we will offer are 1-month (30 days) research visits (RVs) to foreign laboratories.

We invite all students of the Warsaw-4-PhD school who, during their PhD studies, have authored an article published or accepted for publication in a JCR-indexed scientific journal to apply for 1-month (30 days) research visit. The Project will cover the costs of stay and travel, see the detailed rules attached.

1-month (30 days) research visit should take place within 6 month from the announcement of call results.


Required Documents:
– an application using the attached template – download, pdf file
– CV
– letters of invitation issued by the foreign parties.

Detailed information on the required documents and application rules can be found in the attached Rules – download


Application period:

Signed applications, together with candidates’ CVs and the letters of invitation issued by the foreign parties, should arrive at the secretariats of the relevant Warsaw-4-PhD institutes before the deadline: March 02, 2024. The visits must take place and be settled by the end of 2024.


Results Announcements:

Results will be announced by March 21, 2024.


Contact details, including e-mail addresses of the relevant Institutes can be found here.