Educational outcomes in terms of KNOWLEDGE – PhD student/graduate:
- explains in a detailed and advanced way the phenomena, processes and mechanisms, which are the subject of research in at least one Warsaw-4-PhD specialization,
- disseminates among the society reliable information regarding science and its achievements, without ignoring its limitations,
- considers scientific output to be the personal good of its author, but at the same time the common good,
- indicates current problems of biology, medicine, chemistry or physics on the basis of knowledge obtained from scientific publications,
- describes current scientific problems, especially unsolved ones, in biology, medicine, chemistry or physics,
- explains relations between biology, medicine, chemistry and physics,
- characterizes the methodology and research workshop of the practiced discipline,
- knows how to apply for funding for scientific research from various sources at the regional, national and international levels,
- knows scientific terminology.
Educational outcomes in terms of SKILLS – PhD student/graduate:
- plans and conducts scientific research,
- uses in scientific research theories from the scope of at least one Warsaw-4-PhD specialization,
- conducts scientific research in a manner that does not offend human dignity or violate humanitarian principles,
- uses a variety of sources of information,
- interprets results of own research using statistical analysis,
- uses modern research techniques,
- propagates principles of reliable scientific work, condemns scientific dishonesty or violation of good manners,
- is fluent in his/her mother tongue and English to the extent necessary to write scientific articles, present results in the form of papers and posters, and communicate with foreigners,
- prepares his/her PhD thesis and following positive reviews presents the results during a public defence,
- is able to independently design scientific research, draft an application for financing and execute a research project,
- prepares applications to finance his/her participation in scientific conferences, workshops, etc.,
- is able to convey knowledge about at least one specialization of Warsaw-4-PhD at an academic or popular science level in his/her native language and English.
Educational outcomes in terms of SOCIAL COMPETENCES – PhD student/graduate:
- recognizes the need for intensive self-education, especially in his/her discipline,
- justifies the need to update knowledge concerning experimental and theoretical research techniques,
- embodies the social role of the researcher,
- is able to critically evaluate his/her own scientific work as well as achievements and contributions of others,
- takes care that scientific criticism, discussion and polemics are conducted with respect to the principles of respect, objectivity and reliability,
- applies the principles of scientific work ethics and good manners at work,
- promotes the ethos of teamwork, especially in scientific activities,
- takes into account in his/her work the principles of responsibility for the safety of his/her own work and that of others,
- participates in the life of his/her scientific community and expands contacts with the international community of scholars,
- observes international principles and conventions concerning the shared responsibility of scholars.