Warszawska Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Ścisłych i BioMedycznych



The STER Summer School in Redox Processes

Five days of science 10-14 June 2024

The STER workshop runs over five days, with each day dedicated to a specific topic. The school is a workshop aimed at PhD students and young researchers in physical chemistry to familiarise themselves with the latest topics in physical chemistry.

World class lecturers

A tutorial lecture will be given by an internationally renowned speaker followed by lectures by students and local experts.

Register now – limited number of places.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from our guests and get feedback on your research. Young researchers can apply for talks or poster presentations.

SPOTLIGHT TALK – 24/04/2024

The Warsaw Doctoral School in Natural and Biomedical Sciences and the Institute of Physics PAS cordially invites you to a SPOTLIGHT TALK.

The talk is given by Dr Ioannis Skarmoutsos (Department of Chemistry, University of Ioannina, 45110 Ioannina, Greece).

When and where?

On 24th April 2024, 12:30 at the IP PAS Conference room 203, building I
Duration: 45 min + question time

1-month (30 days) research visits (RVs) to foreign laboratories

We are opening a new call for applications for iWARSAW4PhD project within STER programme by POLISH NATIONAL AGENCY FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE. The main objective of the Program is support for the internationalisation of doctoral schools. One of the opportunities we will offer are 1-month (30 days) research visits (RVs) to foreign laboratories.

We invite all students of the Warsaw-4-PhD school who, during their PhD studies, have authored an article published or accepted for publication in a JCR-indexed scientific journal to apply for 1-month (30 days) research visit. The Project will cover the costs of stay and travel, see the detailed rules attached.

1-month (30 days) research visit should take place within 6 month from the announcement of call results.


Required Documents:
– an application using the attached template – download, pdf file
– CV
– letters of invitation issued by the foreign parties.

Detailed information on the required documents and application rules can be found in the attached Rules – download


Application period:

Signed applications, together with candidates’ CVs and the letters of invitation issued by the foreign parties, should arrive at the secretariats of the relevant Warsaw-4-PhD institutes before the deadline: March 02, 2024. The visits must take place and be settled by the end of 2024.


Results Announcements:

Results will be announced by March 21, 2024.


Contact details, including e-mail addresses of the relevant Institutes can be found here.

1-month (30 days) research visits (RVs) to foreign laboratories

We are opening a new call for applications for iWARSAW4PhD project within STER programme by POLISH NATIONAL AGENCY FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE. The main objective of the Program is support for the internationalisation of doctoral schools. One of the opportunities we will offer are 1-month (30 days) research visits (RVs) to foreign laboratories.

We invite all students of the Warsaw-4-PhD school who, during their PhD studies, have authored an article published or accepted for publication in a JCR-indexed scientific journal to apply for 1-month (30 days) research visit. The Project will cover the costs of stay and travel, see the detailed rules attached.

1-month (30 days) research visit should take place within 6 month from the announcement of call results.


Required Documents:
– an application using the attached template – download, pdf file
– CV
– letters of invitation issued by the foreign parties.

Detailed information on the required documents and application rules can be found in the attached Rules – download


Application period:

Signed applications, together with candidates’ CVs and the letters of invitation issued by the foreign parties, should arrive at the secretariats of the relevant Warsaw-4-PhD institutes before the deadline: October 11, 2023.


Results Announcements:

Results will be announced by October 26, 2023.


Contact details, including e-mail addresses of the relevant Institutes can be found here.

Wykład prof. Dirka Schuberta „ Current approaches in neurological disorder research: from animal models to human brain on the chip”

Serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w wykładzie „Current approaches in neurological disorder research: from animal models to human brain on the chip”, który odbędzie się w dniach 04 – 08 grudnia 2023 r. w Instytucie Nenckiego (sala na 1 piętrze).

Wykład poprowadzi prof. Dirk Schubert z Radboud University Medical Centre, Dept. of Cognitive Neuroscience, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Liczba miejsc:  30-50

Język wykładowy: Angielski

Dla kogo: Studenci studiów magisterskich i doktoranckich/postdocs z różnych dziedzin (biologia, chemia, fizyka, medycyna) przebywający aktualnie w Europie.

StypendiumFENS i IBRO-PERC pragną zachęcić i promować międzynarodowe doświadczenie studentów, dlatego zapewniają 5 stypendiów w wysokości 750 EUR dla studentów studiów magisterskich i/lub doktoranckich zainteresowanych uczestnictwem w tym kursie na pokrycie kosztów podróży i zakwaterowania (studenci, którzy obecnie mieszkają lub studiują w Polsce nie kwalifikują się do otrzymania stypendium FENS i IBRO-PERC).

Składanie aplikacji o stypendium oraz zapisy są już otwarte i będą trwać do 15 października 2023 r. Ogłoszenie wyników nastąpi do 2 listopada 2023.

Zapisy na wykład: phdoffice@warsaw4phd.eu

Za udział w wykładach przewidziane są 2 ECTS w ramach kursu „Advanced methods of biology”

Program wykładów:

1. Ex vivo techniques for testing neurological networks

What techniques are currently golden standard in investigating neuronal network structure and function ex vivo? In the lecture the students will get an overview about how to assess single neuron structure and function up to neuronal population activity

2. Inhibitory/excitatory networks

Current research implies that distorted balance between excitation and inhibition is playing a key role in most neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders. After 1st introducing the wealth of different classes of excitatory and inhibitory neurons and their specific network integration, during a workgroup the students will work on simple model circuits in order to understand synaptic integration in basic excitatory/inhibitory networks.

3. Animal models for neurodevelopmental disorders

Today science can design animal models for many specific mutations, disorders and research readouts. During this lecture the students will get an overview of a selection of state-of-the-art genetic approaches that allow disease as well as cell type specific neuronal manipulation in translational research.

4. Cellular correlates of mind and memory in vivo

New approaches allow the monitoring and replaying memory in living animals on cellular level. In this interactive lecture the students will learn and discuss about how to use such animal models in fundamental research on memory and in understanding neurological disorders.

5. Human brain on the chip

How to investigate complex mental disorders and treatment strategies in animal models if the genetic etiology is often hardly comparable with the individual patient. Human derived pluripotent stem cells and the so called “human brain on a chip” approaches allow new ways for investigating gene-cellular phenotype correlation and provide a testing platform for patient specific drug testing. During the interactive lecture and using example disorders the student will learn the pros and cons about 2-dimensional neuronal cultures of human iNeurons and brain organoids.

6: Student presentations

The study aims will be tested by students’ presentations and graphical abstracts. Groups of ca. 4 students will chose one recent paper (list of relevant articles will be provided) which they will present during a 15 min Powerpoint presentation. All students need to present and the presentation will be graded, including an individual grade for the performance. Every group will also produce a short graphical abstract of their paper, which will produce a grade that will be combined with the grade for the presentation.

Szczegółowy plan wykładów dostępny jest tutaj.

1-month (30 days) research visits (RVs) to foreign laboratories

We are opening a new call for applications for iWARSAW4PhD project within STER programme by POLISH NATIONAL AGENCY FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE. The main objective of the Program is support for the internationalisation of doctoral schools. One of the opportunities we will offer are 1-month (30 days) research visits (RVs) to foreign laboratories.

We invite all students of the Warsaw-4-PhD school who, during their PhD studies, have authored an article published or accepted for publication in a JCR-indexed scientific journal to apply for 1-month (30 days) research visit. The Project will cover the costs of stay and travel, see the detailed rules attached.

1-month (30 days) research visit should take place within 6 month from the announcement of call results.


Required Documents:
– an application using the attached template – download, pdf file
– CV
– letters of invitation issued by the foreign parties.

Detailed information on the required documents and application rules can be found in the attached Rules – download


Application period:

Signed applications, together with candidates’ CVs and the letters of invitation issued by the foreign parties, should arrive at the secretariats of the relevant Warsaw-4-PhD institutes before the deadline: March 7, 2023.


Results Announcements:

Results will be announced by April 1, 2023.


Contact details, including e-mail addresses of the relevant Institutes can be found here.

Photocatalysis workshop

Warsaw Doctoral School in Natural and Biomedical Sciences and the Institute of Organic Chemistry PAS cordially invites you to a advanced lecture series: “Photocatalysis workshop” given by Prof. Burkhard Kӧnig (Universität Regensburg) and Prof. Oliver Wenger (University of Basel)

PART 1 – Monday, Nov 14, 2022 – 2 p.m. – zoom platform
Lecture: “Chemical Photocatalysis in Organic Synthesis – Fundamentals, Opportunities and Limits”,
Prof. Dr. Burkhard König, Institut fuer Organische Chemie, Universitaet Regensburg

PART 2 – Thursday, Nov 17, 2022 – 3 p.m. – conference room IOC PAS
Lecture: ” Photocatalysis from a mechanistic perspective”,
Prof. Dr. Oliver Wenger, Department of Chemistry, University of Basel

OPEN LECTURE – Friday, Nov 18, 2022 – 10 a.m. – aula IOC/ICP PAS
Lecture: ”New photoactive transition metal complexes”,
Prof. Dr. Oliver Wenger, Department of Chemistry, University of Basel

Attached please find official invitation and programme of the course.

This event is supported by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, grant no. BPI/STE/2021/1/00034/U/00001.


Warszawska Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Ścisłych i BioMedycznych i Instytut Chemii Fizycznej PAN zaprasza na SPOTLIGHT TALK wykład w ramach grantu nr BPI/STE/2021/1/00034/U/00001 Narodowej Agencji Wymiany Akademickiej.


Dr Mateusz Mariański, Hunter College, The City University of New York 


Understanding biological roles of glycans via chemical sensing and gas-phase analysis“ 


6 października 2022 r, o godz. 10:00, w Auli IChF z jedoczesną transmisją za pomocą Zoom


Dane spotkania Zoom

Link: https://zoom.us/j/94864243306?pwd=TUhUSFlsQUdQRFF3OFN1Z1ppQlljdz09

Meeting ID: 948 6424 3306

Password: 347293

Zaproszenie – pdf

1-month (30 days) research visits (RVs) to foreign laboratories

We are opening a new call for applications for iWARSAW4PhD project within STER programme by POLISH NATIONAL AGENCY FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE. The main objective of the Program is support for the internationalisation of doctoral schools. One of the opportunities we will offer are 1-month (30 days) research visits (RVs) to foreign laboratories.

We invite all students of the Warsaw-4-PhD school who, during their PhD studies, have authored an article published or accepted for publication in a JCR-indexed scientific journal to apply for 1-month (30 days) research visit. The Project will cover the costs of stay and travel, see the detailed rules attached.


Required Documents:
– an application using the attached template – download, pdf file
– CV
– letters of invitation issued by the foreign parties.

Detailed information on the required documents and application rules can be found in the attached Rules – download


Application period:

Scanned and signed applications, together with candidates’ CVs and the letters of invitation issued by the foreign parties, should arrive at the secretariats of the relevant Warsaw-4-PhD institutes before the deadline: October 14, 2022.


Results Announcements:

Results will be announced on November 4, 2022.


Contact details, including e-mail addresses of the relevant Institutes can be found here.

1-month research visits (RVs) to foreign laboratories

We are starting implementation of iWARSAW4PhD project within STER programme by POLISH NATIONAL AGENCY FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE. The main objective of the Program is support for the internationalisation of doctoral schools. One of the opportunities we will offer are 1-month research visits (RVs) to foreign laboratories.

We invite students of 4th to 6th semester of the Warsaw-4-PhD school who, during their PhD studies, have authored an article published or accepted for publication in a JCR-indexed scientific journal to apply for 1-month research visit. The Project will cover the costs of stay and travel, see the detailed rules attached.


Required Documents:
– an application using the attached template – download, pdf file
– CV
– letters of invitation issued by the foreign parties.

Detailed information on the required documents and application rules can be found in the attached Rules – download


Application period:

Scanned and signed applications, together with candidates’ CVs and the letters of invitation issued by the foreign parties, should arrive at the secretariats of the relevant Warsaw-4-PhD institutes before the deadline: March 21, 2022.


Results Announcements:

Results will be announced on April 20, 2022.


Contact details, including e-mail addresses of the relevant Institutes can be found here.