Zawieszone zajęcia w Instytucie Chemii Fizycznej PAN
Dear IPC PAS Doctoral Studies students and all Warsaw-4-PhD students, Dear doctoral studies instructors of the IPC PAS, In order to minimize the coronavirus threat, all classes are suspended at the IPC PAS as of March 12 (this Thursday), until April 10.
It is a hard time for the students and instructors alike, given that eventually, at the end of this semester, the exams shall be organized and course credits will be required. Obviously, however, the purpose of the present adjournment is not to prohibit all instructor-student interactions, but only to avoid gatherings. The instructors should therefore:
- BE AVAILABLE (in person or via Skype) for individual consultations, at best during the originally announced lecture time;
- send the basic information (consultation hours, Skype names…) to the mailing list of students that have registered for a particular course;
- provide the detailed curricula of the missing lectures;
- distribute the slides (and/or lecture notes, if available);
- recommend appropriate book chapters, internet sites…
The INTERESTED STUDENTS SHOULD REGISTER by sending an e-mail to the instructor (if they have not sent it already). This applies in particular to the Basic Physical Chemistry lecture courses for which the registration was formerly not required: Quantum chemistry & spectroscopy, Termodynamika (PL), Chemical kinetics, and Electrochemistry. The decision of rescheduling a soft skill training or a 15-hour specialized lecture to late spring or to the next semester is also possible. Please keep me informed, should that be the case.
Last, but not least: instructors may consider recording their lectures to create audio/video learning materials.
Robert Kołos Doctoral Studies IPC PAS

COVID-19: brak zajęć od 12.03 do 25.03 w Nenckim
In view of the latest message from the Ministry we are closing all classes in the Warsaw-4-PhD School and within the Nencki PhD Studies Since March 12th till March 25th.
This relates only to the classes and lectures, NOT to your research, which may continue. As you know, the situation is dynamic, and the closure may be extended depending on situation. Stay calm, enjoy extra time for your research.
In the long run, the PhD programme runs over 4 years, so on the scale of things overall teaching impact should be negligible. In the meantime let us enjoy the opportunity to do more research instead.

Epidemia COVID-19. Zawieszenie zajęć w IFPAN
Dear PhD students and Lecturers, in accordance with the decision of the Minister of Higher Education and Science to suspend teaching activity in Schools, Universities, and also Doctoral Schools in the country, lectures and other teaching activity in the Physics Specialisation of the Warsaw School of Physical and BioMedical Sciences, as well as the International PhD studies at IFPAN will be SUSPENDED UNTIL THE 10th OF APRIL.
More information will follow in future, when we will see how the epidemiological situation develops. Since the spread of the virus is presently just in its initial stages in Poland, with all cases directly tied to overseas travellers, it is the best time to learn from the mistakes of others and impose early preventative measures to limit its spread now.
Regarding delayed lectures, I suggest to simply suspend teaching activity for now, and plan to continue in April, rather than making large efforts to teach through online means or individual consultations. The current spring/summer semester has largely open boundary conditions in summer, hence this delay in teaching activity can be largely recouped later in the semester if the suspension is lifted. This approach can be revised in a few weeks when we know what will happen after April 10.
In the long run, the PhD programme runs over 4 years, so on the scale of things overall teaching impact should be negligible. In the meantime let us enjoy the opportunity to do more research instead.
Piotr Deuar, Institute of Physics Polish Academy of Sciences